Every-other-year mammography screenings result in larger tumors, more aggressive treatment
University of Michigan researchers are casting doubts on the belief that it’s OK for women to be screened for breast cancer less frequently than once a year. https://www.radiologybusiness.com/topics/quality/mammography-screenings-larger-tumors-aggressive
Which Type of Medical Scan is Right For Me?
Q. Sometimes my doctor orders an M.R.I., sometimes a CAT scan or an ultrasound. If one is best, why not just order it every time? A. The rationale for selecting an imaging test is complicated, but some general principles can be helpful. Read on: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/23/well/live/which-type-of-medical-scan-is-right-for-me.html By Richard Klasco, M.D. Nov. 23, 2018 The New York […]
Article: The posterolateral approach for fluoroscopy-guided tibiotalar joint injection
[dt_sc_callout_box type=”type1″ button_text=”” target=”_blank”] Welcome to Pueblo Radiology Medical Group For over fifty years, we have been dedicated to providing top quality medical imaging services in a professional, compassionate and timely manner for our patients, referring physicians and hospital affiliates. [/dt_sc_callout_box] [dt_sc_clear] [dt_sc_hr_invisible] [dt_sc_one_third first] [dt_sc_icon_box type =” type5″ fontawesome_icon=’medkit’ title=’Advanced Imaging Services’ link=’https://www.puebloradiology.com//imaging-services/’ ] […]
Meeting with Representatives of Congress
[dt_sc_callout_box type=”type1″ button_text=”” target=”_blank”] Welcome to Pueblo Radiology Medical Group For over fifty years, we have been dedicated to providing top quality medical imaging services in a professional, compassionate and timely manner for our patients, referring physicians and hospital affiliates. [/dt_sc_callout_box] [dt_sc_clear] [dt_sc_hr_invisible] [dt_sc_one_third first] [dt_sc_icon_box type =” type5″ fontawesome_icon=’medkit’ title=’Advanced Imaging Services’ link=’https://www.puebloradiology.com//imaging-services/’ ] […]
Image Wisely Certificate
[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.puebloradiology.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/ImageWisely-Pledge-Certificate-002.pdf” title=”ImageWisely-Pledge-Certificate (002)”]
How DBT is impacting BI-RADS assessments: 4 key takeaways
How DBT is impacting BI-RADS assessments: 4 key takeaways May 17, 2016 | Michael Walter Over time, the addition of digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) has been found to have a significant impact on a case’s Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) final assessment, according to a recent study published in Radiology. Madhavi Raghu, MD, Yale […]
MRI shows brain injury in nearly half of ex-NFL players
MRI shows brain injury in nearly half of ex-NFL players By Wayne Forrest, AuntMinnie.com staff writer April 11, 2016 — Researchers have found signs of traumatic brain injury (TBI) on diffusion-tensor MR images (DTI-MRI) in nearly half of a small group of retired NFL players, according to a study scheduled for presentation next week at […]
Our Newest Radiologists
Pueblo Radiology would like to introduce our newest radiologists. Please welcome Dr. Joel Ornelas and Dr. Karthik Kumar.
Quit Smoking
It’s difficult to quit smoking, but you can do it! Pueblo Radiology believes in taking control of your health. Speak to your doctor whether a CT screen is right for you. Screening for some types of cancer has reduced deaths by early detection and treatment.
The Newest and Most Advanced Imaging Services
At Pueblo Radiology, we provide the newest and most advanced imaging services. Find specifics about each modality we specialize in including what to expect, frequently asked questions and appointment preps.